Saturday, March 21, 2009


What’s up guys.. I’m just getting my Saturday session in and on a little break for the moment so figure I’ll post something. My lease is up the end of April and I’ve decided to get my own place. The roommate thing has been cool, but with everything going on I need my own place.

Other than that, hitting some variance and down about 5 bi’s currently. Eh nothing bad. I actually made myself reread Baluga’s surfing and tilt article on DC just because that way of thinking helps so much. What’s nice is we record episode 2 of the DeucesCracked series this week, which basically means I will get a coaching session. Every time I have a coaching session it’s epic how much I improve or get my game back in line.

1 comment:

  1. If everyone worked a little harder at fiscal responsibility, American wouldn't even be in this mess.

    Your new place sounds frickin awesome! If I'm ever in Houston, I'm def stopping by!
